meringue milk in a ceramic glass

Meringue milk, or leche merengada in Spanish, is a very refreshing typical Spanish cold drink made mainly with milk and egg whites. And here we post the authentic recipe of this tasty dessert.

It is a sweet drink with a cinnamon and lemon flavor. It is low in fat but it also provides a lot of energy and protein. And it is the perfect dessert to have at the end of a summer meal with friends or family.

Recipe Note

Details of this authentic meringue milk drink recipe for four persons.

25 minutes


  • 500 ml milk
  • 75 gr sugar or 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 lemon
  • Cinnamon powder (for decoration)
  • Salt


1 Wash properly the lemon, remove its skin and save it. Try not to remove the white part of the skin cause it can give a bitter undesired flavour.

2 Place the milk, the white sugar or honey, the cinnamon stick and the skin of the lemmon altogether in a saucepan and bring them to a boil over medium heat. Stir sometimes to make sure the sugar or honey melts and let the different flavors mix.

3 Remove the saucepan from the heat, remove the skin of the lemon and the cinnamon stick from the milk. Let it rest in the fridge for about an hour.

4 Before taking out the milk from the fridge we have to prepare the meringue. First, beat the egg whites in a bowl with a pinch of salt with your own hand until foam comes out. Then, keep beating with an electric mixer. When the the mix becomes harder add the icing sugar and continue beating until you get a firm meringue.

The trick to know if the meringue is ready is to turn the bowl over. If it does not fall, then it is ready.

5 Finally, pour the meringue milk that we have in the fridge in the bowl of the meringue little by little. Mixing gently until everything is well mixed and homogeneous.

6 Serve immediately while the drink is cold and add a bit of cinnamon powder on top of each glass.


Alternatives for milk

Some people do not tolerate milk or just prefer to use an alternative ingredient instead. For those cases, you can also use almond, cashew or other types of milk.

Vegan version of this recipe

We have also published a vegan version of this recipe that does not use egg whites and can be prepared with a milk substitute. It is much more healhty and light than the original version, but it is just as refreshing and tasty

Hi, I’m jperqu

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